What you need to know

Students in high school who meet course prerequisites can take VIU courses for dual credit.

Credits towards both high school diploma and university are available for both academic and trades programs.

A good point of contact is your School District Career Centre Coordinator.

Certificates and Trades Dual Credit Courses

Students can begin post-secondary (university/college) trades and technical programs during their Grade 11 and 12 high school years. 

Frequently Asked Questions

See: full list of FAQs

Q:  When can I learn more about this program?

A:   Attend an information session in early spring of your Grade 11 year. Talk to your School District Career Centre Coordinator.

Q: What is the maximum number of courses I can take?

A: For academic courses, you can take a maximum of 2 courses per semester for a total of 4 courses in one year.

Q:  Does completing this course count as credit toward a program or degree I might enroll in later?

A: Absolutely. All courses will be listed on your transcript and will count for full credit towards any future program to which it can be applied. If you want to see how a course will transfer to a specific University you can consult the BC Transfer Guide.

If you plan to attend a school out of province or country you will need to check with the specific institution.

Q: Can I get high school credit for completing a course at Vancouver Island University?

A: Your course is a dual credit course and will be reflected on your high school transcript as both a post-secondary institute (PSI) course and a Grade 12 elective.

Q: Some VIU courses require that I have certain Grade 12 courses done before I apply. How do I do this?

A: You need to plan your courses with your High school Counsellor so that you complete any required courses the prior to the start of the dual credit course ie Complete your required course(s) in the second semester of your grade 11 year or in the first semester of your grade 12 year.

Q: What are some examples of courses students can take?

A:   Anthropology, Art, Biology, Carpentry, Chemistry, Child Youth Care, Culinary Arts, Dental Assistant, English, Design and Performing Arts, Early Childhood Education, Education Assistant and Community Worker,  Electrician, Health Care Assistant, History, Information Technology, Marketing, Math, Media Studies, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Recreation and Hospitality, Social Work, Tourism. For more information, see Course Offerings

Q: What times are these courses offered?

A: Courses are offered at all times of the day from 8:30am to 9pm. A number of different times are available to give options for students.

Q: How can I take a University level English course?

A: We recommend that you take English 12 in Grade 11. You could also be completing your English 12 in your grade 12 year and take first year university English in late spring semester at VIU. 

Q:  What do I have to pay?

A:  The School District pays your tuition if you apply within its set time frame. You are responsible for the cost of books, application fee, any necessary lab fees and Student Union, Student Activity, and Student Services fees. If you are accepted through Special Admission, you are responsible for the cost of tuition as well as the others fees identified above.

How can a High school Counsellor help? What do you need to know?

  • Start identifying students who would benefit from this opportunity as early as grade 10.
  • Contact your School District Careers Coordinator.
  • Encourage strong students to take English 12 in second semester Grade 11 to leave more options open for courses in their Grade 12 timetable.
  • Refer students to Dual Credit to see posted Information Session dates and other important notices.
  • Work directly with a student to ensure the courses they want will work with their high school timetable.