Course offerings vary from year to year. Check Generate a Timetable for available course offerings.
SOCW 200A (3) An Intro to Social Work Practice (Ends Aug 2025)
An introduction to the general practice of social work and the personal troubles that affect well-being, including the history, values, knowledge and skills of the profession. Particular attention is focused on generalist social work practice, interdisciplinary approaches, clients as consumers and partners, and the role of self-help groups. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: None.
SOCW 200A (3) Introduction to Social Work Practice (Effective Sep 2025)
An introduction to generalist social work practice in diverse areas through a critical anti-oppressive, anti-colonial and two-eyed seeing lens. Key concepts examined include self-reflection, ethics, person-centered, holistic, non-judgmental, and strengths-based approaches. Students will gain skills applicable at micro, mezzo, and macro levels. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: None.
SOCW 200B (3) An Intro to Social Welfare in Canada (Ends Aug 2025)
An introduction to current social welfare policy and the social service and human rights response to social issues, including the problem of poverty. Topics include the impact of poverty, responses to poverty, ideologies in relationship to social policy, responses to income security and personal needs in B.C. and Canada, and skills for analyzing, influencing, and developing social policy. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: None.
SOCW 200B (3) Introduction to Social Welfare in Canada (Effective Sep 2025)
An introduction to current social welfare policy and the social service and human rights response to social issues, including the problem of poverty. Topics include the impact of poverty, responses to poverty, ideologies in relationship to social policy, responses to income security and personal needs in B.C. and Canada, and skills for analyzing, influencing, and developing social policy. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: None.
SOCW 211 (3) Family Studies (Ends Aug 2025)
An opportunity to broaden understanding of the Canadian family in its many changing forms. Topics include the historical, economic and social factors which shape family life, as well as theories relevant to family practice. Focus is on social issues facing Canadian families today, and intervention strategies utilized by Human Service Workers. Students are encouraged to personalize their learning by relating course concepts to their own families and to their work with families. SOCW 211 was formerly called SSER 211; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to Social Services Diploma program or permission of instructor.
SOCW 211 (3) Families in Context (Effective Sep 2025)
Using a critical social work and anti-colonization framework, this course considers changing and diverse family forms and arrangements. Focus will be on the economic and socio-political context, and specific issues facing families. Theories regarding the assessment of family functioning and relevant social service responses are critically examined and applied. SOCW 211 was formerly called SSER 211; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to Social Services Diploma program or permission of instructor.
SOCW 252 (3) Interpersonal Communication Skills (Ends Aug 2025)
An introduction to the dynamics and skills associated with effective interpersonal skills in social work; an understanding of the characteristics and development of relationships both in one-to-one and group settings. Students will apply course materials to enhance their self-awareness and functioning in relationships with others. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 200A or equivalent (which may be taken concurrently).
SOCW 252 (3) Interpersonal Communication Skills (Effective Sep 2025)
An introduction to the dynamics and skills associated with effective and intentional interpersonal skills in social service practice, for work with service users in one-to-one and group settings. Students will practice, demonstrate and apply course content and skills to enhance self-awareness, self-reflection and functioning in ethical helping relationships with others. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 200A or equivalent (which may be taken concurrently).
SOCW 270 (3) Social Work Practice in Mental Health and Addictions (Ends Aug 2025)
An introduction to the practice of social work with populations with concurrent disorders. Topics include: examination of current theories, delivery of social work services, policy and practice issues, as well as critical review of contemporary perspectives on the ecology of mental health challenges and addictions. SOCW 270 was formerly called SSER 270; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Second year standing or permission of instructor.
SOCW 270 (3) Social Service Practice in Mental Health and Substance Use/Misuse (Effective Sep 2025)
An introduction to the practice of social service work with people living with mental illness and/or substance use/misuse using a recovery, harm reduction and trauma-informed lens. The focus will be on understanding and applying current theories, intervention skills, relevant policies and legislation, and models of treatment and care to practice. SOCW 270 was formerly called SSER 270; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Second-year standing.
SOCW 280 (3) Methods in Social Work Practice (Ends Aug 2025)
This course builds on the social work values, skills, knowledge, and ethics introduced in SOCW 200A and HHS 252. With a focus on social work practice methods, students will further develop competencies in the various phases of the helping process: engagement, assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 200A, SOCW 200B, SOCW 252, HHS 276, and second-year standing in the Social Services Diploma program.
SOCW 280 (3) Methods in Social Service Practice (Effective Sep 2025)
Builds on anti-oppressive social work values, skills, knowledge, and ethics, to prepare students for practicum. With a focus on social work practice methods, students will further develop competencies in the various phases of the helping process, and person-centred communication skills while strengthening cultural safety and social justice principles. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 200A, SOCW 200B, SOCW 252, HHS 276, and second-year standing in the Social Services diploma program.
SOCW 281 (6) Practicum (Ends Aug 2025)
A full-time, six-week (210 hours) field practicum with a human service agency/organization focusing on integration and application of theory, skills and building competencies in a supervised setting. Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to understand and work within micro, mezzo and macro contexts with individuals, groups, and communities. SOCW 281 was formerly called SSER 281; credit will not be granted for both courses. (0:0:0 -210 for 6 weeks)
Prerequisite: Second-year standing in Social Services Diploma; and SOCW 280.
SOCW 281 (6) Social Services Field Education (Effective Sep 2025)
A full-time, six-week (210 hours) supervised field education practicum with a community based social service agency/organization focusing on integration and application of theory, skills and building competencies. Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to work professionally in direct practice with individuals/groups/communities. SOCW 281 was formerly called SSER 281; credit will not be granted for both courses. (0:0:0 -210 for 6 weeks)
Prerequisite: Second-year standing in Social Services Diploma; and SOCW 280.
SOCW 282 (3) Practicum II
A second three week field practicum, normally completed concurrently with SOCW 281 Practicum I. Focuses on integrating and applying theory and skills and building competency, under supervision. Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to understand systemic structures and functions of a service agency in relation to clients, community and other agency workers. SOCW 282 was formerly called SSER 282; credit will not be granted for both courses. (0:0:0 -105 for 3 weeks)
Prerequisite: SOCW 281.
SOCW 300A (3) Foundations In Social Work (Ends Aug 2025)
Students in this course will learn about the foundations of social work as an academic, reflective and professional practice. This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of learning in social work and the key concepts and perspectives in contemporary theory and practice from an anti-oppressive, structural social work perspective. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 300A (3) Foundations in Critical Social Work (Effective Sep 2025)
Students will learn about the foundations of social work as an academic, reflexive, and professional practice. This course will introduce students to the key concepts and perspectives in contemporary ideologies, theories and practice from an anti-oppressive, anti-colonial, and structural social work perspective. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 300B (3) Community Social Work: Theory and Practice (Ends Aug 2025)
A continuation of SOCW 300A, with particular attention to critical appraisal of theories such as anti oppressive practice, feminist and systemic theories, and their application to practice. Using case studies to illustrate these theories, relationships, feelings, and actions of individuals, families, and groups within a community setting, are examined. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A.
SOCW 300B (3) Social Work with Communities (Effective Sep 2025)
This course is a critical exploration of community development as a central social work method. Students will examine community change initiatives, apply theories and models of community development and practice, and demonstrate skills of the assessment and evaluation of community needs and intervention approaches. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A.
SOCW 301 (3) Social Work Practice Skills (Ends Aug 2025)
An advanced study of practice skills in social work, such as interviewing for information and change, intervening in crisis, developing supportive relationships, and leading groups. Topics include understanding diversity and disadvantage; confronting oppression of individuals, groups, and communities; understanding personal biases; and strengthening social empathy. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A (prerequisite or corequisite).
SOCW 301 (3) Social Work Theory and Practice Skills (Effective Sep 2025)
Using an anti-oppressive lens, this course focuses on the critical exploration of the theories that influence social work practice. Students will understand and demonstrate the application of theory to practice, the transferability of knowledge, ethics and skills to practice, and begin to develop their own practice frameworks. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A (prerequisite or corequisite).
SOCW 305 (3) Social Work with Groups (Ends Aug 2025)
In this course students will learn about various group work settings while drawing on social work process, ethics and theory from an anti-oppression/structural approach. This course will consider group process, including group types, stages and dynamics. It is an introduction to group facilitation, including understanding leadership, roles, and conflict. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 305 (3) Social Work with Groups (Effective Sep 2025)
A focus on the theories, concepts, and experiences used to understand group dynamics and group skills for anti-oppressive social work practice. This includes theoretical and practice orientations, the change process, and the impact of diversity and oppression. Students will demonstrate design and facilitation knowledge and skills related to group process. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 310 (3) Contemporary Perspectives on Disabilities (Ends Aug 2025)
An analysis of how a social model of disability can be put into practice in the current social, political, and economic context in Canada. Students are encouraged to analyze power, inequality and influence, and to develop a personal ethical stance to ground community development practice. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 310 (3) Critical Perspectives on (Dis) abilities/Diversabilities (Effective Sep 2025)
An examination of historical and contemporary models and constructions of disability. Students develop a critical and reflexive analysis of the issues, theories, policies, and skills that apply to working with people living with diversabilities within a framework of human rights, citizenship, and inclusion that promotes anti-ableist practice. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 322 (3) Trauma and Resiliency Across the Lifespan (Ends Aug 2025)
This course will prepare students for trauma-informed practice with individuals, groups and communities. Students will develop critical understandings of meanings, impacts and outcomes of trauma across the lifespan as it impacts children, youth, adults and older adults with a focus on developing culturally appropriate and strength-based social work practice skills. Credit will only be granted for one of HHS 276 or SOCW 322. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 322 (3) Trauma and Resiliency Across the Lifespan (Effective Sep 2025)
An introduction to trauma and trauma-and-violence-informed practice. Students will develop a critical understanding of the meanings, impacts and outcomes of trauma across the lifespan as it applies to children, youth, adults, and older adults, with a focus on developing critically reflexive, culturally safe and strengths-based practice skills. Credit will only be granted for one of HHS 276 or SOCW 322. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 350A (3) Law and Social Services (Ends Aug 2025)
A critical examination of criminal and family law as an expression of social policy relevant to anti-oppressive social work practice. Topics include laws affecting adults and children, human rights, organization of the legal system, and the ethical and legal accountabilities of social workers. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 350A (3) Critical Perspectives on Legal Systems and the Law (Effective Sep 2025)
A critical examination of the Canadian justice system through the lens of anti-oppressive social work. Topics include ethical and legal accountabilities of social workers, human rights, organization of the legal system, and alternative models of justice. The skill of advocacy is a central component of understanding social work practice. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 352 (3) Interpersonal Communication in Structural Social Work Practice (Ends Aug 2025)
A focus on the development and effective use of interpersonal communication and interviewing skills for professional social work practice. Topics include foundational basic and advanced communication skills for creating and maintaining meaningful relationships in a helping context. An anti-oppressive lens will be applied to learning and skill development. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 352 (3) Advanced Interpersonal Communication (Effective Sep 2025)
A focus on developing the effective and ethical use of advanced interpersonal communication and interviewing skills for professional social work practice using an anti-oppressive lens. Students will demonstrate, critically reflect on, and analyze their use of these skills and their application to working with individuals, groups, and communities. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 361 (3) Social Work Practice in Addictions (Ends Aug 2025)
This course focuses on the theory, practice and skills required for social work practice in addictions, across the lifespan as it impacts on adolescents, adults, families and communities. Students will use and apply a social justice, anti-oppressive and harm reduction lens to explore topics such as symptoms, prevention and treatment. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 322 (may be taken concurrently).
SOCW 361 (3) Social Work Practice in Substance Use (Effective Sep 2025)
This course focuses on theory, knowledge and skills required for social work practice within the field of substance use. Students will use and apply a social justice, anti-oppressive and harm reduction lens to explore topics such as stigma and discrimination, ethics, relevant policies and legislation, symptoms, prevention, and treatment modalities. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to BSW program.
SOCW 362 (3) Child Abuse and Neglect Concerns (Ends Aug 2025)
An exploration of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs necessary to identify and action child abuse and neglect concerns. Focuses on developing self awareness, main forms of abuse and neglect, and relevant resources available in communities. Both theoretical and practical applications are integrated including evolving philosophical and conceptual orientations. Credit will only be granted for one of CYC 362 or SOCW 362. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 362 (3) Child Abuse and Neglect and Social Work (Effective Sep 2025)
Using an anti-oppressive framework, topics include the history of child abuse and neglect in Canada, contemporary concerns, main forms and indicators of abuse, and prevention and intervention. It explores one's attitudes, beliefs, unconscious bias, and social location to understand the personal and social complexities of child abuse and neglect across social work settings. Credit will only be granted for one of CYC 362 or SOCW 362. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 380 (6) Practicum: Community Social Work Practice (Ends Aug 2025)
Students are required to complete a 350-hour fieldwork placement to develop basic interview, intervention, and advocacy skills within a multidisciplinary framework. Particular emphasis will be placed on formulation of relationships with individual families and groups. (0:0:0 -350)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program; SOCW 301, SOCW 305, SOCW 352. SOCW 300B and SOCW 322 (may be taken concurrently).
SOCW 380 (6) Third Year Field Education (Effective Sep 2025)
Students are required to complete a 350-hour supervised field education placement to practice basic engagement and relational skills, intervention, and advocacy skills within an organizational context. Emphasis is on professionalism, anti-oppressive practice, and stages of the social work process. (0:0:0 -350)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program; SOCW 300A, SOCW 301, SOCW 305, SOCW 352. SOCW 300B and SOCW 322 (may be taken concurrently).
SOCW 400A (3) Advanced Community Practice with Diverse Populations (Ends Aug 2025)
This course allows students to work through advanced social work case scenarios that represent key challenges and emerging areas in anti-oppression social work practice. The learning each week will apply key social work theory, knowledge, values and ethics. Students will be able to enhance their capacity for effective decision-making, leadership, and practice. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A and SOCW 300B.
SOCW 400A (3) Contemporary Issues in Social Work (Effective Sep 2025)
Students will work through advanced social work practice scenarios that represent key challenges and emerging areas in anti-oppressive social work practice. The learning in each module will apply key social work theory, knowledge, values, and ethics to enhance a student's capacity for effective and ethical decision-making, leadership, and practice in organizations. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A and SOCW 300B.
SOCW 400B (3) Advanced Seminar in Reflective Social Work Practice (Ends Aug 2025)
An analysis of practice theories and insights to promote understanding of reflective practice within a community setting, and develop plans for ongoing learning as social workers. This seminar course is offered in conjunction with SOCW 480. (0:3:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 400A.
Co-requisites: SOCW 480. Students who fail SOCW 400B must also re-take SOCW 480 as a co-requisite.
SOCW 400B (3) Seminar in Reflexive Social Work Praxis (Effective Sep 2025)
Through learning activities and seminars, this course provides an analysis and integration of practice and theory; promotes reflexive praxis; and consolidates students' professional social work identity and chosen practice frameworks. This course must be taken in conjunction with SOCW 480. (0:3:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 400A.
Co-requisites: SOCW 480. Students who fail SOCW 400B must also re-take SOCW 480 as a co-requisite.
SOCW 401 (3) Social Policy and Communities (Ends Aug 2025)
An analysis of the ways that citizens attempt to address social and systemic problems. Topics include examining efforts by government to involve communities in social policy development and implementation, as well as a focus on developing critical thinking skills by exploring issues such as competing definitions of citizenship and community. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A and SOCW 300B.
SOCW 401 (3) Social Policy and Communities (Effective Sep 2025)
An analysis of social policy issues and processes from an anti-oppressive perspective. Topics include contemporary social policy issues, social policy development, and the use of critical lenses for analysing policy. Efforts by government to involve communities in social policy development and implementation is a core theme. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A and SOCW 300B.
SOCW 402 (3) Research Methods for Social Change in Community Social Work (Ends Aug 2025)
An exploration of methods and methodology for community based research with a focus on exploring and changing social situations/issues. Grounded in critical social work, this course will allow students opportunities to integrate the concepts and skills they have developed. Topics include participation methods, ethically sensitive research, power, and oppression. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A and SOCW 300B.
SOCW 402 (3) Research Methods for Social Change (Effective Sep 2025)
An introduction to the concepts, methods, and processes of critical social work research and its relationship to social work practice and social change. Students will develop skills in conducting ethical and anti-oppressive research, critically assessing research processes and outcomes, and developing a research proposal. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A and SOCW 300B.
SOCW 403 (3) Best Practices in Child Safety (Ends Aug 2025)
A continuation of SOCW 362, focusing on best practice intervention, case management and evaluation in child abuse and neglect. Child development, family based practice, anti-oppressive practice and Indigenous ways of knowing are areas of exploration within the topic of child abuse. Integration of provincial legislation is also explored. Credit will only be granted for one of CYC 403 or SOCW 403. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 350A and SOCW 362.
SOCW 403 (3) Critical Perspectives of Child Safety in Social Work (Effective Sep 2025)
This practice-based course examines historical and current ideologies around the concept of child protection. An intersectional feminist, anti-racist and anti-colonial lens is used to examine issues linked to the current system of child welfare and provides foundational skills for advocating and engaging in ethical work specific to interventions, case management, evaluation, and the interpretation of legislation. Credit will only be granted for one of CYC 403 or SOCW 403. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 350A and SOCW 362.
SOCW 404 (3) Advanced Skills for Social Work Practice in Legal Contexts
A study of the law as it affects the human service professions. Topics include specific legislation concerned with child welfare practice, young offenders, adoption and family relations matters; the law as an expression of social policy; legal principles and the human service professional's role within the legal system. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 350A.
SOCW 421 (3) Social Work Practice with Indigenous Communities (Ends Aug 2025)
An examination of the historical and contemporary relationships between Canada and Indigenous peoples to analyze the impact of colonialism on Indigenous communities, families and peoples, and to provide students with strategies for reconciliation and respectful and empowering anti-oppressive social work practice. SOCW 421 was formerly called SOCW 321; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A and SOCW 300B.
SOCW 421 (3) Social Work Practice with Indigenous Communities (Effective Sep 2025)
This course examines colonial impacts and efforts to transform anti-Indigenous racism and social work relationships with Indigenous people. Concepts of inherent rights, substantive equality, the social determinants of health, land-based healing, self-determination, and cultural safety are examined along with Indigenous led recommendations from the UNDRIP, TRC, and MMIWG2S+ Reports. SOCW 421 was formerly called SOCW 321; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A and SOCW 300B.
SOCW 440 (3) Social Work and Mental Health (Ends Aug 2025)
A critical examination of historical and contemporary theoretical perspectives on mental illness, Canadian mental health law and policy, cultural and diversity aspects, classification and treatment, ethical issues, and an exploration of approaches to substance use, prevention, and treatment. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A and SOCW 300B.
SOCW 440 (3) Critical Social Work Perspectives on Mental Health (Effective Sep 2025)
A critical examination of how mental health is constructed, including biomedical and community-based recovery approaches, Canadian mental health law and policy, and application of ethics. Students will focus on practical skills which include assessment, prevention, and interdisciplinary and culturally safe practices. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 300A and SOCW 300B.
SOCW 460 (3) Older Adults, Aging and Society (Ends Aug 2025)
An in-depth examination and analysis of topics, policy, and issues related to working with, and on behalf, of older adults from anti-oppressive and interdisciplinary perspectives. Topics include class, gender, care giving, policy, practice models, and ageism with both theoretical and practical dimensions. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: SOCW 200A and SOCW 200B.
SOCW 460 (3) Social Work Practice with Older Adults (Effective Sep 2025)
A critical examination on working with and on behalf of older people using an anti-oppressive gerontological lens. Students consider issues affecting older adults locally and globally; critically examine beliefs and attitudes related to aging and older people; examine structural inequalities in later life; and develop a framework for anti-oppressive social work practice with older people. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW program.
SOCW 480 (6) Practicum: Community Practice II (Ends Aug 2025)
Students are required to complete a 350-hour field education placement to continue to develop skills and refine abilities to practice in a supported environment. Professional standards and ethics are expected to be maintained. (0:0:0 -350)
Prerequisite: SOCW 380, SOCW 421 and SOCW 440. In addition, child welfare specialization field education placements require completion of both SOCW 362 and SOCW 403.
Co-requisites: SOCW 400B. Students who fail SOCW 480 must re-take SOCW 400B as a co-requisite.
SOCW 480 (6) Fourth Year Field Education (Effective Sep 2025)
Students are required to complete a 350-hour supervised field education placement towards advanced and independent practice in engagement and relational skills, intervention, and advocacy skills within an organizational context. Emphasis is on professionalism, anti-oppressive practice, and stages of the social work process. (0:0:0 -350)
Prerequisite: SOCW 380, SOCW 421 and SOCW 440. In addition, child welfare specialization field education placements require completion of both SOCW 362 and SOCW 403.
Co-requisites: SOCW 400B. Students who fail SOCW 480 must re-take SOCW 400B as a co-requisite.