
See also Adult Basic Education (ABE) Upgrading Courses.

University/Career/Technology Courses

The following courses are offered through the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Course offerings vary from year to year. Check Generate a Timetable for available course offerings.

PHYS 111 (4) Physics for the Life Sciences I (Ends Dec 2024)

Topics include kinematics and dynamics of particles, forces, static equilibrium, energy, fluids, heat and thermodynamics. Designed to satisfy the Physics requirement for a degree in the Biological Sciences. Credit will only be granted for one of PHYS 121 or PHYS 111. (4:0:1.5)

Prerequisite: Physics 12 or min. "C+" in either Principles of Physics 11 or Applications of Physics 12; and min. "C+" in one of Pre-calculus 12, Principles of Mathematics 12 or MATH 152. Note: MATH 121 or MATH 100 is a prerequisite for PHYS 112 (unless min. "B" in PHYS 111 is achieved).

PHYS 111 (4) Physics for the Life Sciences I (Effective Jan 2025)

Topics include kinematics and dynamics of particles, forces, static equilibrium, energy, fluids, heat and thermodynamics. Designed to satisfy the Physics requirement for a degree in the Biological Sciences. Credit will only be granted for one of PHYS 121 or PHYS 111. (4:0:1.5)

Prerequisite: Physics 12 or min. "C+" in Physics 11; and min. "C+" in one of Pre-calculus 12, MATH 145 or MATH 152. Note: MATH 121 or MATH 100 is a prerequisite for PHYS 112 (unless min. "B" in PHYS 111 is achieved).

PHYS 112 (4) Physics for the Life Sciences II

A continuation of PHYS 111. Topics include waves and sound, electrostatics and electricity, optics, quantum physics and radioactivity. Credit will not be granted for both PHYS 112 and 122. (4:0:1.5)

Prerequisite: PHYS 111 and either MATH 100 or MATH 121; or min. "B" in PHYS 111. Note: It is recommended that MATH 101 or MATH 122 be taken concurrently.

PHYS 121 (4) Physics for the Physical Sciences I

A calculus-based course. Topics such as kinematics and dynamics of particles, energy and momentum, rotational and periodic motion, heat and thermodynamics, are treated in a more rigorous mathematical form than in PHYS 111. Designed for students proceeding towards a degree in physics, chemistry, geophysics, mathematics, or engineering. Credit will not be granted for both PHYS 111 and 121. (4:0:3)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in Principles of Physics 12; and min. "C+" in one of Pre-calculus 12, Principles of Mathematics 12 or MATH 152. Calculus 12 is recommended. Notes: MATH 100 or MATH 121 is a prerequisite for PHYS 122.

PHYS 122 (4) Physics for the Physical Sciences II

A continuation of PHYS 121. Topics include waves, electricity and magnetism, geometrical and physical optics, quantization and nuclear processes. Credit will not be granted for both PHYS 112 and 122. (4:0:3)

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in both PHYS 121 and either MATH 100 or MATH 121. Note: It is recommended that MATH 101 or MATH 122 be taken concurrently.

PHYS 122A (3) Physics for the Physical Sciences II

This course is the same as Physics 122, except the laboratory component is omitted; for students who intend to transfer to the Applied Science program at the University or British Columbia only. (4:0:0)

Prerequisite: PHYS 121 and MATH 100 or MATH 121. Note: It is recommended that MATH 101 or MATH 122 be taken concurrently.

PHYS 214 (3) Introduction to Electronics

An introduction to standard electronic devices and instruments. Topics will include linear circuits, digital electronics, non-linear devices, op-amps, and computer interfaces. (2:0:3)

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in PHYS 122 and min. "C" in either MATH 101 or MATH 122.

PHYS 216 (3) Introductory Electricity and Magnetism

Topics include electric field and potential, Gauss' law, capacitance, di-electrics, resistivity, DC circuits, magnetic fields, Ampere's and Faraday's laws, AC circuits, and an introduction to Maxwell's equations. (3:1:1.5)

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in PHYS 122; MATH 200 (may be taken concurrently).