
Course offerings vary from year to year. Check Generate a Timetable for available course offerings.

MARK 160 (3) Introduction to Marketing

A survey of the marketing function and process at the firm level. Topics include examination of the marketing environment; the critical elements of the firm's marketing mix; product, pricing, distribution, and promotion variables; contemporary trends in marketing; buyer behaviour and marketing research. MARK 160 was formerly called MARK 290; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or enrollment in the CBM program.

MARK 237 (3) Surveillance, Privacy, and Analytics in a Digital Age

An introduction to the foundational concepts required to understand how surveillance, privacy, and analytics are governed by the regulatory environment and emerging technologies in the digital space. This course is also the entry point for students to achieve a professional certification as a Digital Marketing Associate. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: None.

MARK 260 (3) Buyer Behaviour

A study of the various influences affecting the buyer in the purchasing process for end consumers, industry or government. Topics include various decision-making models and the impact of psychological, sociological, economic and demographic factors, as well as their effect on market research design, data collection and interpretation. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 160

MARK 261 (3) Marketing Communications

An exploration of the wide range of areas included in marketing communications and the tools and techniques needed to create an integrated approach. To ensure efficient use of marketing communication tools. Topics include advertising, sales promotions, public relations, direct marketing and personal selling. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 260.

MARK 314 (3) Retail/ Wholesale Management

An examination of the techniques and procedures for maximizing retail and wholesale productivity. Topics include inventory control, computer applications, layout, display, pricing, buying and shrinkage control. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 260.

MARK 324 (3) Branding and Communication

An advanced study of branding and communication. Topics include brand promotion and communication strategies, developing programs to build brand equity, types of agencies and their role in integrated marketing communication, ethical concerns, database and direct response marketing. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 260.

MARK 325 (3) Advertising and Promotion

A hands-on approach to the use of advertising and promotion to communicate with present and prospective customers. Topics include the elements of an integrated advertising and promotion campaign, promotional objectives, creative strategy, and campaign planning. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 260 is required. MARK 261 is recommended.

MARK 352 (3) Wine Marketing

An examination of the specific marketing processes related to this unique industry. Topics will include the establishment and management of brands, distribution channels, wine clubs, retail, and other related areas. In addition, students will visit local wineries to better understand the different marketing approaches in practice today. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MGMT 252 plus one of MARK 160, TOUR 101, RMGT 101, or HOSP 215.

MARK 360 (3) Social Media Marketing (Ends Sep 2025)

An examination and application of current social media marketing practices. Topics include demographic, behavioural and technology research; techniques for social listening; evaluation of social media metrics; understanding and selection of social media tools for particular purposes; legal and ethical factors; the technologies of social media. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 260 or equivalent; or permission of instructor.

MARK 360 (3) Social Media Marketing (Effective Sep 2025)

An examination and application of current social media marketing practices. Topics include demographic, behavioural and technology research; techniques for social listening; evaluation of social media metrics; understanding and selection of social media tools for particular purposes; legal and ethical factors; the technologies of social media. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Upper-level standing in any VIU program.

MARK 361 (3) Services Marketing

An examination of marketing in the services sector. Topics include differences between product and services marketing, marketing and management activities peculiar to service organizations, formulation and implementation of a service product strategy, analysis of services marketing problems, effective delivery, determinants of quality and customer satisfaction. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 260.

MARK 362 (3) Professional Selling

A study of the selling profession, its opportunities and rewards. The course focuses on the tools and techniques of personal selling and provides an opportunity to experience and demonstrate the components of an effective sales presentation. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 260.

MARK 364 (3) Marketing Channels

An examination of marketing channels and their various processes. Topics include qualitative and quantitative factors involved in selecting, developing, managing, and maintaining channels of distribution. Special focus will be placed on the role that relationships and trust between firms play in establishing competitive advantage. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 260.

MARK 365 (3) Public Relations

An applied, theory-based development of competencies and knowledge required to execute the Public Relations role, an increasingly important aspect of Marketing. Topics include advanced theories of communication and engagement with stakeholders, the current context of PR practice, ethics, reputation management, crisis management and media relations. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 160, MGMT 292, and third-year standing; or permission of department.

MARK 366 (3) Market Research

An analysis of the principles, techniques and practices used to design, administer, and analyze market research. Topics include qualitative and quantitative approaches to marketing problems, computer applications, and statistical concepts relevant to market research. MARK 366 was formerly called MARK 466; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 260 and min. "C" in QUME 232.

MARK 368 (3) International Marketing

An examination of the unique problems and opportunities for domestic firms to export/import or to expand their operations to other cultures in today's global markets. Topics include the marketing environments of some of the major international markets in terms of their political/legal, technological, economic, sociocultural and competitive environments; and marketing planning in different cultures and countries. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 260.

MARK 390 (6) Creativity, Innovation, and New Product Development

A 6-credit course exploring Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development. This course will give students an understanding of the creative process, how to recognize innovation (over mere improvement) and then how to develop a new product via design thinking for their intended customers and markets. (4.5:1.5:0 for 7 weeks)

Prerequisite: MARK 160 and third-year standing.

MARK 397 (3) Special Topics in Marketing: Field School I

An applied study of marketing. Topics may include market planning, consumer behavior, market analysis, cross-cultural marketing, marketing strategy and development. (45:0:0 for 3 weeks)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing in a business program or with permission of the instructor.

MARK 398 (3) Special Topics in Marketing: Field School II

An applied study of marketing. Topics may include market planning, consumer behavior, market analysis, cross cultural marketing, marketing strategy and development. (45:0:0 for 3 weeks)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing in a business program or permission of the instructor.

MARK 399 (3) Special Topics in Marketing: Field School III

An applied study of marketing. Topics may include market planning, consumer behavior, market analysis, cross cultural marketing, marketing strategy and development. (45:0:0 for 3 weeks)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing in a business program or permission of the instructor.

MARK 401 (3) Self-Branding for Career Fulfillment

This course entails developing marketing-based strategies for effectively branding oneself in successful pursuit of the individual's desired work and career(s). Addressing traditional and evolving employment environments, the course fosters life-long proficiency in self-branding and re-branding critical to fulfilling ever-developing, personal career goals. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Upper-level standing in any VIU program.

MARK 430 (3) On-Line Marketing (Ends Sep 2025)

A study of the way in which marketers leverage new technologies to devise powerful marketing strategies. Topics include online behaviour, the internet and the marketing mix, online PR, web analytics, search marketing, interactive marketing communications, email and viral marketing, and planning and designing the web customer experience. (2:0:1)

Prerequisite: MGMT 230 and MARK 260.

MARK 430 (3) Digital Marketing (Effective Sep 2025)

A study of the way in which marketers leverage new technologies to devise powerful marketing strategies. Topics include online behaviour, the internet and the marketing mix, online PR, web analytics, search marketing, interactive marketing communications, email and viral marketing, and planning and designing the web customer experience. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Upper-level standing in any VIU program.

MARK 450 (3) The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing

A study of applied pricing strategies and tactics essential to understanding a firm's overall marketing strategy. Topics include pricing math, price setting processes, pricing metrics, price wars, value in pricing, analysis of pricing strategies and tactics. Perspectives from different channel members are discussed. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 260.

MARK 460 (3) Strategic Marketing

The study of market strategy in a variety of organizations and industries. Focus is on the new competitive marketing environment, key performance indicators, sustainable advantage and marketing systems. Case studies, simulations, research and marketing plans provide applied integrative emphasis. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: MARK 366 plus 9 additional upper-level marketing credits.

MARK 470 (3) Marketing Management in Public and Not-for-Profit Organizations

An exploration of the role of marketing management in activity of government agencies and not-for-profit organizations. Students develop a framework for analyzing characteristics that differentiate not-for-profit from profit enterprises, and develop strategies and tactics for not-for-profit organizations. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min. 6 credits of upper-level marketing courses.

MARK 490 (3) Selected Topics in Marketing

A presentation of selected topics of current interest in marketing. Students interested in this course should consult with the Department Chair regarding when this course is to be offered and what substantive areas are to be studied. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing in the BBA, and Mark 260.

MARK 490A (3) Selected Topics in Marketing: Consumer Behavior in China

A presentation of selected topics of current interest in marketing. Students interested in this course should consult with the Department Chair regarding when this course is to be offered and what substantive areas are to be studied. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing in the BBA , and MARK 260.

MARK 490B (3) Selected Topics in Marketing: Consumer Research in China

A presentation of selected topics of current interest in marketing. Students interested in this course should consult with the Department Chair regarding when this course is to be offered and what substantive areas are to be studied. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing in the BBA, and MARK 260.

MARK 490C (3) Selected Topics in Marketing: Strategic Mrkt Analysis in China

A presentation of selected topics of current interest in marketing. Students interested in this course should consult with the Department Chair regarding when this course is to be offered and what substantive areas are to be studied. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing in the BBA, and MARK 260.

MARK 491 (3) Applied Projects in Marketing

This course will provide credit for a special project completed at the request of a local business or organization. The student selected to complete a project will be the decision of the Departmental Chair. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing in the BBA, and Mark 260.

MARK 499 (3) Marketing Planning II (Ends Dec 2024)

An opportunity to conceptualize and develop a detailed integrated promotional plan. Work completed in MARK 498 combined with the promotional program are integrated into a comprehensive marketing plan to be presented to the participating organization. (0:3:0)

Co-requisites: MARK 498.

MARK 499 (6) Marketing Business Internship (Effective Jan 2025)

A substantial project with an approved organization, this internship experience can be paid or unpaid. Students undertake a minimum of 240 hours of applied work and complete an academic report while gaining experience in the community in a field of interest. Credit will only be granted for one of FNCE 499,ACCT 499,ACCT 491,MGMT 499,MGMT 491,MGMT 482,MARK 491 or MARK 499. (0:0:0 -240 for 30 weeks)

Prerequisite: Completion of 75 credits in the Bachelor of Business Administration program including a minimum of the following upper-level credits specific to the student's chosen major: nine upper level VIU credits for Accounting and Finance, and six upper level VIU credits for Management & Law, and Marketing, along with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in the student's major-specific upper-level credits completed towards the BBA program.