Vancouver Island University offers two teacher Education degree programs, leading to a Bachelor of Education. These programs are approved by the Teacher Certification Branch (TCB) at the B.C. Ministry of Education.
Note: For all Seminar and Field Experience courses (EDFE courses), students will be denied access to or withdrawn from the practicum placement if their preparation for their teaching assignment is considered unsatisfactory by the Dean.
Course offerings vary from year to year. Check Generate a Timetable for available course offerings.
EDFE 411 (3) Field Experience I
Consists of up to 25 days in school. Placement is in combination with the Principles of Teaching and Learning course and provides an opportunity to reflect on observations of teaching and learning, examine issues related to lesson planning, teaching and schooling, as well as some direct teaching opportunities. (0:1:0 -150)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+" ) in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDFE 421 (3) Field Experience II
Consists of up to 40 days in schools. Placement is arranged by the Field Experience office. The April-May portion of the placement provides an opportunity to implement lesson planning, teach in self-contained classrooms and reflect on lessons taught. At least 3 consecutive weeks will be at a 90% teaching load. (0:1:0 -150)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDFE 511 (3) Field Experience III
Field experience placement in a self-contained elementary classroom for a minimum of 25 full days. Regular seminars are a component of this course. (0:1:0 -150)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDFE 515 (2) Field Experience: Post Baccalaureate Initial Practicum
Consists of up to 25 days in school. Placement is in combination with the Principles of Teaching and Learning course and provides an opportunity to reflect on observations of teaching and learning, examine issues related to lesson planning, teaching and schooling, as well as some direct teaching opportunities. (0:1:0 -150)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDFE 520 (3) Field Experience: Post Baccalaureate Spring Practicum
Consists of up to 40 days in schools. Placement is arranged by the Field Experience office. The April-May portion of the placement provides an opportunity to implement lesson planning, teach in self-contained classrooms and reflect on lessons taught. At least 3 consecutive weeks will be at a 90% teaching load. (0:1:0 -120)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDFE 521 (5) Field Experience IV: Final Practicum
A summative major practicum. EDFE 521 may be attempted only once. (0:0:0 -300 for 10 weeks)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDFE 610 (5) Field Experience: Post Baccalaureate Final Practicum (Ends Aug 2024)
A summative major practicum. EDFE 610 may be attempted only once. (0:0:0 -240 for 8 weeks)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDFE 610 (6) Field Experience: Post Baccalaureate Final Practicum (Effective Sep 2024)
A summative major practicum. EDFE 610 may be attempted only once. (0:0:0 -275 for 10 weeks)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDFE 611 (3) Field Experience: Special Practicum
This practicum is designed for individuals previously certified as teachers. It consists of two weeks of in school pre-assessment and documented planning approved by a supervisor. The final six weeks include a one-week phase in period to 100% teaching responsibilities for the remainder of the practicum. Available only when an acceptable placement can be arranged. (0:0:0 -210 for 8 weeks)
Prerequisite: Permission of Department.
EDFE 612 (3) Field Experience: Practicum Seminar
An examination of personal and professional requirements for successful teaching. Students must demonstrate an understanding of and capacity for the teaching responsibilities required for a practicum. The seminar is designed, but not limited to, supporting a second attempt at a final practicum, and includes an exit presentation. (0:7:0 for 6 weeks)
Prerequisite: Min. "C+" grade point average on all Education courses completed since admission to the Teacher Education program and permission of Department.
EDFE 613 (3) Field Experience: Final Special Practicum II
A summative practicum representing a second attempt at the final practicum. Where possible, the level/type of placement requested by student teachers will be accommodated. There is an eight-week practicum period requiring the student teacher to assume approximately 100% teacher responsibility. EDFE 613 may be attempted once. (0:0:0 -180 for 8 weeks)
Prerequisite: Min. "C+" grade point average on all Education courses completed since admission to the Teacher Education program and permission of Department.
EDPB 501 (3) Introduction to the Visual Arts in Education
An introduction to the nature and content of the visual arts in education. Includes active participation in artistic processes and instructional strategies relating to arts education. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 503 (3) Child and Youth Development: Educational Implications
An exploration of theories of cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development from early childhood through to adolescence, within the context of creating healthy and productive learning environments for all students. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 505 (3) Methods: Language Arts/English Parts I & II
An introduction and study of the theory, curriculum, and methods in Language Arts/English with an emphasis on selection and application of materials and resources for the teaching of reading and oral and written expression. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 506 (3) Mathematics Methods
An introduction to and overview of mathematics curriculum and instructional methodology. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 507 (3) Science Methods
An introduction to science curriculum and instruction. The focus is on critical analysis of foundational issues, effective planning, experiencing methods of instruction, selection and adaptation of learning resources, and "hands-on" teaching experiences. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 508 (3) Social Studies Methods
An introduction to social studies curriculum and instruction, and exploration of how it supports students becoming informed citizens able to understand multiple perspectives. Focus is on learning to design engaging activities and authentic assessments to promote the development of critical and disciplinary thinking competencies in history, geography, and political studies. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 509 (3) Physical Education Methods
Introduction to methodology for teaching developmentally appropriate physical activities. Organization and management of physical education and principles of motor learning, growth and development as a basis for program/activity planning are investigated. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 512 (3) Secondary Teaching Specialties
Students will inquire into "promising practices" in their specialty area and explore pedagogical tensions and possibilities related to their teaching practice. Students will engage in research, collaboration, discussion, and critical reflection with the aim of further developing their expertise about teaching, learning, and literacy at the secondary level. EDPB 512 was formerly called EDTE 523; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 513 (3) Principles of Teaching & Learning I
Introduction to principles and instructional strategies related to planning for and managing an effective learning environment. EDPB 513 was formerly called EDPB 511; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 514 (3) Principles of Teaching & Learning II
A continuation of Principles of Teaching & Learning I, with further investigation of principles and instructional strategies related to planning for and managing an effective learning environment. EDPB 514 was formerly called EDPB 511; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 520 (3) Introduction to Arts in Education
An introduction to the nature and content of the visual and performing arts in education. Includes active participation in, and reflection on artistic processes and instructional strategies related to arts education with an emphasis on integration of the arts with other curricular areas. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 530 (2) Instructional Design: Application of Educational Technology, Part I (Ends Aug 2024)
Introduction to pedagogical perspectives for integrating technology into teaching and learning. A technology-rich course modeling intensive technology integration; may include use of gamification principles, social media, blended learning, online learning, BYOD, and other up-to-date pedagogical strategies. Student ePortfolio will be created. A laptop with a current operating system is highly recommended. EDPB 530 was formerly called EDTE 611; credit will not be granted for both courses. (0:0:2)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 530 (3) Instructional Design: Application of Education Technology (Effective Sep 2024)
Introduction to pedagogical perspectives for integrating technology into teaching and learning across curricular areas, with a focus on elements of Applied Design, Skills and Technologies (ADST) from the British Columbia curriculum. Each student will create an ePortfolio. EDPB 530 was formerly called EDTE 611; credit will not be granted for both courses. (0:0:3)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 531 (2) Instructional Design: Application of Educational Technology, Part II (Ends May 2024)
This course continues the process begun in EDPB 530. EDPB 531 was formerly called EDTE 611; credit will not be granted for both courses. (0:0:2)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 600 (3) Planning and Professional Development: E-Portfolio
Reflection on planning issues relevant to the final practicum placement. Links theory and course work with the practical consideration of planning for the specific teaching/learning situation. As well, students present their self-directed personal and professional development via electronic portfolio upon successful completion of the final practicum. EDPB 600 was formerly called EDTE 610; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDPB 614 (3) The Inclusive Classroom: Social Justice Issues in the Classroom
An exposé of social justice issues in an educational context. Students will acquire initial understanding of the complex nature of discrimination, including its different manifestations in recent and contemporary society. Students are required to develop appropriate anti-oppression teaching strategies and material. EDPB 614 was formerly called EDTE 614; credit will not be granted for both courses. (6:0:0 for 6 weeks)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 300 (3) Principles of Teaching and Learning I
An investigation of the foundational aspects of teaching practice. Students will examine professional qualities of an educator; the need for personal/professional growth; the importance of understanding learners and elements of classroom management, planning, and teaching; and assessment of student learning. Observation in classroom settings is a component of this course. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in EDUC 202 and "CR" in EDUC 203, or enrollment in Year 3 of the B.Ed. program, or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 301 (3) Principles of Teaching and Learning II
A continuation of EDTE 300. Students will examine professional qualities of an educator; the need for personal/professional growth; the importance of understanding learners and elements of classroom management, planning, and teaching; and assessment of student learning. Observation in classroom settings is a component of this course. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 311 (3) Human Development: Child Development and Education
A study of theories of child development with a focus on understanding relationships between child development from early childhood to adolescence and principles of teaching and learning. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 330 (3) Issues in Aboriginal Education
An exploration of the role of Aboriginal education in society and the experiences of Aboriginal learners. EDTE 330 was formerly called EDTE 430; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: "CR" or Min. "C+" in EDUC 202 and EDUC 203, or permission of instructor.
EDTE 400 (6) Principles of Teaching and Learning III
A continued investigation of the foundational aspects of teaching practice and teacher professionalism. Students will develop professional qualities; investigate educational issues; explore curriculum methodologies including classroom management; and examine and practice effective planning, teaching, and assessment of student learning. This course will be taught collaboratively from a Language Arts and Math perspective. (6:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+" ) in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 401 (6) Principles of Teaching and Learning IV
A continuation of EDTE 400. Students will develop professional qualities; investigate educational issues; explore curriculum methodologies including classroom management; and examine and practice effective planning, teaching, and assessment of student learning. This course will be taught collaboratively from a Language Arts and Math perspective. (6:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 417 (3) Curriculum and Instruction: Visual Arts
A study of curriculum and strategies for teaching visual art. The transformative power of aesthetic experiences and the use of visual art as a form of meaning making and self-expression in schools and wider life contexts are explored. (0:0:3)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 419 (3) Curriculum and Instruction: Social Studies
An introduction to current best practice and pedagogy in social studies education. Approached as a multidisciplinary subject, focus areas include historical and geographical thinking, citizenship, Indigenous and diversity studies, and assessment of curricular competencies. Context based concepts are also explored in relation to how these influence experiences of learners in classrooms. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 425 (3) Curriculum and Instruction: Physical Education
With the goal of creating an education that allows students to be safe, healthy and active citizens, physical and health education curriculum and instruction are explored with a focus on how it empowers students to develop personalized understandings of what healthy living means. Participation in physical activities is expected. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 427 (3) Curriculum and Instruction: Science
An introduction to current best practice and pedagogy in science education. With an emphasis on inquiry, experiential and place-based education, scientific principles and concepts are explored while examining issues in science education such as scientific literacy, Indigenous science, environmental and sustainability education, and the nature of science. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 429 (3) Curriculum and Instruction: Performing Arts
Using various performing arts techniques as an integrated teaching strategy throughout the grades, the course is a study and exploration of Arts Education and promotes the arts as a means of self-expression and understanding of identity, with connection to the BC curriculum including First People's Principles of Learning. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 431 (3) Instructional Design: Application of Educational Technology
An introduction to the pedagogical perspectives for teaching and learning using technology. Technical skills required for the design and use of custom, technology-enhanced curriculum are developed and applied. Topics include various strategies for the integration of educational technologies. Credit will only be granted for one of EDTE 611 or EDTE 431. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 500 (6) Principles of Teaching and Learning V
An investigation of the foundational aspects of teaching and professionalism with a focus on connecting theory and practice. Students will exercise discernment as they make decisions about best practice in particular teaching contexts. This course will be taught collaboratively from a Science and Social Studies perspective. (6:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 501 (6) Principles of Teaching and Learning VI
A continued investigation of the foundational aspects of teaching and professionalism with a focus on connecting theory and practice. Students will exercise discernment as they make decisions about best practice in particular teaching contexts. This course will be taught collaboratively from a Science and Social Studies perspective. (6:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 519 (3) Foundations of Education in British Columbia
An introduction to structure and process of the BC School System; teacher-administration relationships; emerging trends and controversial issues in school organization and practice; value problems in the profession; school law/policy and legal requirements; public and professional relationships; professional ethics. EDTE 519 was formerly called ED-B 430; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. or Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 520 (3) Curriculum and Instruction: Language Arts
A study of the curriculum and instruction in support of literacy development, including reading, writing & oral language. The designing and implementing of assessment for learning practices are explored in support of instructional design that acknowledges literacy underlies the ways we engage, understand and express ourselves in the world around us. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 522 (3) Introduction to the Performing Arts in Education
An introduction to the performing arts in Education. Includes an emphasis on integration of the performing arts with other curricular areas. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 523 (3) Methods: Language Acquisition
A study of the various theories of language acquisition and their application to teaching a second language or to teaching second language learners in the classroom setting. Students are required to demonstrate competence in a language other than English to the level of a beginning (conversational) language learner. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 530 (3) Curriculum and Instruction: Mathematics
A study of Mathematics curriculum and instruction that enables the confident selection of strategies, resources and applications to provide a diverse range of learning opportunities best suited to meet the needs of students. Learning experiences and approaches supporting growth and development of mathematical understanding, skills and numeracy are emphasized. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 531 (3) Social Justice Issues in Education
An exposé of social justice issues in an educational context. Students will acquire initial understanding of the complex nature of discrimination, including its different manifestations in recent and contemporary society. Students are required to develop appropriate anti-oppression teaching strategies and material. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 532 (3) Special Educational Needs in the Classroom
A study of low- and high-incidence special needs in the integrated classroom at the elementary level. The course content will outline current research in the field of exceptionalities and its relationship to the goals and methods of education in BC. (0:3:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 533 (3) Curriculum and Instruction: Second Language Acquisition
A study of theories of second language acquisition (SLA) and their applications to teaching a second language or to teaching second language learners at the elementary level. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous B.Ed. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 613 (3) Instructional Design: Evaluating and Reporting
An examination of formative assessment strategies leading to summative evaluation and formal reporting. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDTE 615 (3) The Inclusive Classroom: The Special Needs Learner
A study of low- to high-incidence special needs presented in integrated primary to secondary classrooms with an inclusive philosophy. This course includes an exploration of theories of cognitive, social and emotional development, and assessment and intervention methods that support exceptional learners. (6:0:0 for 6 weeks)
Prerequisite: Good standing (min. "C+") in each previous Post Bacc. program course or permission of the instructor.
EDUC 101 (3) Teaching: The Human Interaction
An introduction to the communication and interpersonal skills necessary to positively interact in one-on-one and group settings. These skills support personal exploration, problem solving, and developing the competencies to work effectively with children, youth, and adults. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.
EDUC 113T (3) Pathways to Learning
Support for Aboriginal learners in their transition to academic learning. The course addresses strategic, academic, cultural, and personal challenges students may face as they begin post-secondary learning through a two-week summer institute and monthly seminars during the academic terms. (0:2:0 for 32 weeks)
Prerequisite: Grade 10 and permission of coordinator.
EDUC 201 (3) Intro to Visual & Performing Arts for Non-Specialists
An introduction to the nature and content of the arts in education. An opportunity to participate in artistic processes, to demonstrate the commonalities integral to the fine arts (art, dance, drama, music). An exploratory course for students with little or no background in the fine arts. Includes an introduction to strategies and methods relating to arts education within the classroom and to forms of artistic presentation and performance within the school setting. (0:1.5:1.5)
Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.
EDUC 202 (3) Becoming a Teacher: Understanding Professional and Educational Issues.
An exploration of education and its relationship to society examining current and relevant questions such as cultural diversity, mass media, technology, societal changes, and ethical decision making. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.
EDUC 203 (3) Sustainability & Teacher Identity
This course provides a comprehensive exploration of sustainability. A holistic, experiential, and place-based approach will be applied using diverse perspectives related to sustainability, including the International Earth Charter, Traditional Ecological Knowledge(s), Western Scientific discipline(s), and other applicable theories and practices. The goal is building more just, sustainable, compassionate school communities. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.
EDUC 250 (3) Special Topics in Education
An intensive study of selected topics which explore the field of education. Topics vary from year to year to ensure a broad range of coverage. May be taken for credit more than once in different topics. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.
EDUC 250A (3) Special Topics in Education: Reading and Literacy
An intensive study of selected topics which explore the field of education. Topics vary from year to year to ensure a broad range of coverage. May be taken for credit more than once in different topics. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.
EDUC 250B (3) Special Topics in Education: Math Mindset
An intensive study of selected topics which explore the field of education. Topics vary from year to year to ensure a broad range of coverage. May be taken for credit more than once in different topics. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.
EDUC 250C (3) Special Topics in Education: Working with Diverse Learners
An intensive study of selected topics which explore the field of education. Topics vary from year to year to ensure a broad range of coverage. May be taken for credit more than once in different topics. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.
EDUC 450 (3) Special Topics in Education
A thorough examination of important and timely topics in the discipline of education. Topics will vary by offering but will focus on issues and skills relevant to those in the field of education, including aspiring and current teachers. May be repeated for credit up to three times for different topics. (3:0:0)
Prerequisite: 4th year standing or permission of the Department.