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COST 020 Computer Studies - Fundamental
Introduction to computers, designed primarily for students with little or no computer experience. Emphasizes keyboarding and word processing.
Prerequisite: ENGL 016 or permission of instructor.
COST 030 Computer Studies - Intermediate Level
This is an introductory course designed to give students basic computer skills that they can use in both the college and work environment.
Prerequisite: ENGL 020 or equivalent assessment.
COST 047 Computer Studies 11 - Advanced (Ends Aug 2025)
An exploration of computers and applications, designed for students with basic computer skills. Topics may include introduction to computer hardware, Windows, word processing, the internet, spreadsheet and database applications, and email.
Prerequisite: ENGL 037 or permission of instructor.
COST 047 Computer Studies 11 - Advanced (Effective Sep 2025)
An exploration of computers and applications, designed for students with basic computer skills. Topics may include introduction to computer hardware, Windows, word processing, the internet, spreadsheet and database applications, and email.
Prerequisite: ENGL 037 or permission of instructor.
COST 067 Computer Studies 12-Provincial (Ends Aug 2025)
Practical study of computer applications and skills, and how to apply them to effectively solve problems in academic, work and personal lives. Instruction modules include a minimum of two of the following topics: information technology, publishing/presentation, advanced spreadsheets, database management, networking, programming, graphics, online technologies, web publishing.
Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in COST 047 or permission of instructor.
COST 067 Computer Studies 12-Provincial (Effective Sep 2025)
Practical study of computer applications and skills, and how to apply them to effectively solve problems in academic, work and personal lives. Instruction modules include a minimum of two of the following topics: information technology, publishing/presentation, advanced spreadsheets, database management, networking, programming, graphics, online technologies, web publishing.
Prerequisite: ENGL 037 or permission of instructor.
Workplace Essential Skills
CMCN 001 Building Support Systems
This course is intended to assist students to solidify personal and community support that will enhance their working and living.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 5: Community Connections.
CMCN 002 Math for Independence
This course is designed to enhance math skills for living successfully in the community. Emphasis will include household skills and money management.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 5: Community Connections.
CMCN 003 Next Steps: Transitional Planning
This course is designed to familiarize students with significant and relevant community resources and employers. Students will participate in three video-taped mock job interviews. Upon completion of this course, students will be prepared to handle one-on-one job interviews and be able to answer commonly asked interview questions.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 5: Community Connections.
Co-requisites: CMCN 005.
CMCN 004 Becoming a Citizen of the World
This course is intended to enhance students' awareness and engagement in community issues. Topics will include volunteerism, social responsibility, and personal contributions to community.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 5: Community Connections.
CMCN 005 Computers: Community Research
This course is designed to work in conjunction with Next Steps: Transitional Planning (CMCN 003). Students will research potential jobs and identify essential skills required for those jobs, research potential companies and employers, and create/modify employment portfolios (employment packages). Students will identify and create a targeted hot list of potential employers.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 5: Community Connections.
Co-requisites: CMCN 003.
CMCN 006 Community Connections Seminar
This course is designed to provide practical and tutorial support for Math for Independence (CMCN 002), Next Steps: Transitional Planning (CMCN 003), and Becoming a Citizen of the World (CMCN 004) course work.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 5: Community Connections.
CMCN 007 Community Connections Practicum (Ends Jan 2025)
Students will explore community worksites to identify fields of interest. They will have opportunities to arrange a work experience placement with instructor guidance and support. Individual work placements provide students with practical assessments of their performance by employers and instructors. This course also explores entrepreneurial and business management skills.
Prerequisite: Prior success in certificate program or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Criminal record check may be required.
CMCN 007 Community Connections Practicum (Effective Jan 2025)
Students will explore community worksites as identified in CMCN 005 Computers: Community Research. Students will have opportunities to engage in informational interviews with guidance and support from work site trainers. Individual work placements will also provide students with practical assessments of their performance conducted by mentors.
Prerequisite: Prior success in certificate program or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Criminal record check may be required.
CUSV 001 Problem Solving Seminar
The emphasis in this seminar is demonstrating and practicing good customer service skills introduced throughout this module. Emphasis will be placed on applying the problem solving model and the decision making model to solve challenging customer service issues.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 2: Customer Service.
CUSV 002 Employment Standards & Human Rights
This course will provide students with an understanding of their rights and responsibilities as an employee in British Columbia.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 2: Customer Service.
CUSV 003 Numeracy Applications
This course is designed to introduce and solidify basic math applications. Participants will be introduced to basic operations, problem solving, working with time, money recognition (paper and coin), reading numbers, using a calculator, and cash register etiquette.
Prerequisite: Accepted in Module 2: Customer Service.
CUSV 004 Workplace Communication
Students will be introduced to the basics of communication skills. Emphasis will be placed on verbal and non-verbal communication: appropriate greetings/introductions, use of eye contact, non-verbal behaviour, and listening skills will be practised as a prerequisite to job interview skills. Topics covered include: handling criticism and conflict,
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 2: Customer Service.
CUSV 005 World Host
Students will learn and practice specific skills that will allow them to provide exceptional customer service. Students will participate in a workshop called "World Host" and upon successful participation, attendance, and assessment, students will receive a World Host certificate.
Prerequisite: Accepted in Module 2: Customer Service.
CUSV 006 Introduction to MS Word
This course is designed to give students an introduction to the basic functions of MSWord. Students will learn how to create and manipulate documents (letters, memos, announcements and posters) using this widely popular software application.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 2: Customer Service.
CUSV 007 Customer Service Practicum (Ends Jan 2025)
This course provides students with opportunities to explore entry-level employment through hands-on practice in customer service settings. Students develop skills that enable them to consistently demonstrate appropriate workplace behaviors and shape their attitudes to workplace performance standards, including issues of workplace fitness and stamina.
Prerequisite: Accepted in Module 2: Customer Service.
CUSV 007 Customer Service Practicum (Effective Jan 2025)
This work-integrated learning experience allows students to gain practical experience in customer service roles and apply theoretical knowledge from Employment Standards and Human Rights (CUSV 002) to real-world scenarios. Students will develop skills in workplace behavior, performance standards, and workplace fitness.
Prerequisite: Accepted in Module 2: Customer Service
REFS 001 Retail Math
This course is designed to introduce and solidify basic math applications. Participants will be introduced to basic operations, problem solving, working with time, money recognition (paper and coin), reading numbers, using a calculator, and cash register etiquette.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 3: Retail and Food Services.
REFS 002 Food Safety: Food Safe
This course is designed to teach students proper food safe handling techniques, including proper food handling, sanitizing and work safety for front-line food service workers (cooks, servers, bussers, dishwashers, and deli workers). Important topics in food safety and worker safety (food borne illnesses, receiving and storing food, preparing and serving food, cleaning and sanitizing) are covered.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 3: Retail and Food Services.
REFS 003 World Citizens: Food Issues
This course is designed to build connections between students and food sources, food issues and nutrition on a variety of levels. Emphasis will be on food origins, organic and industrial farming, shopping locally, and managing food waste as they relate to sustainability.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 3: Retail and Food Services.
REFS 004 Food Service Skills Application
This course is designed to use learned outcomes from Food Safe and World Citizens (i.e. food safety, food waste management, and nutritional practices) in a variety of practical applications.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 3: Retail and Food Services.
REFS 005 Advanced Word
Students will be introduced to more advanced features of MSWord such as tables, tabs, headers, footers, inserting, columns and multiple-paged documents
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 3 and permission of instructor.
REFS 006 Retail and Food Services Seminar
This course is designed to provide practical and tutorial support for Food Safe, Retail Math, World Citizens Food Issues and Food Service Application course work.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 3: Retail and Food Services.
REFS 007 Retail and Food Services Practicum (Ends Jan 2025)
This course provides students with opportunities to experience the expectations of entry-level employment through hands-on practice. The course includes an individual work placement that develops confidence and independence in the workplace. The course explores issues of workplace fitness and stamina.
Prerequisite: Prior success in certificate program or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Criminal record check may be required.
REFS 007 Retail and Food Services Practicum (Effective Jan 2025)
This work-integrated learning experience provides firsthand entry-level employment expectations in retail or food service. Through hands-on practice, students prepare for workplace demands, gaining confidence and independence. The course includes an individual work placement and explores issues of workplace stamina.
Prerequisite: Prior success in certificate program or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Criminal record check may be required.
SKIP 001 Linking Learning to Life
This course is designed to prepare students' move from the educational setting into independent working and living.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 6: Skills for Independence.
Co-requisites: SKIP 003.
SKIP 002 Strategies for Employment
This course is designed to teach students the skills necessary to seek employment and secure a job. Emphasis will include job search techniques and interview skills. The roles of employment agencies such as Canada Employment Agency and other community resources will be reviewed.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 6: Skills for Independence.
SKIP 003 Living On Your Own
This course is designed to provide concrete tools for managing independence.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 6: Skills for Independence.
Co-requisites: SKIP 001.
SKIP 004 Intro to Excel/Database
This course will introduce students to basic spreadsheets. Students will create basic spreadsheets using simple mathematic operations, formulas and functions. Students will create a personal budget and an employer database.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 6: Skills for Independence.
SKIP 005 Skills for Independence Practicum (Ends Jan 2025)
Students will transfer knowledge learned in the classroom to practices in the workplace. Students will also be connected with community agencies (for example, HRDC, NYS, Volunteer Centre) and participate in a minimum of three field trips.
Prerequisite: Prior success in certificate program or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Criminal record check may be required.
Co-requisites: SKIP 002.
SKIP 005 Skills for Independence Practicum (Effective Jan 2025)
Students will transfer knowledge learned in the classroom to practices in the workplace. Students will connect with community agencies (for example, HRDC, NYS, Volunteer Centre) and participate in a minimum of three field trips.
Prerequisite: Prior success in certificate program or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Criminal record check may be required.
Co-requisites: SKIP 002.
TRIN 001 Serving It Right
Students will develop specific skills in order to serve alcohol responsibly. Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive a `Serving It Right' Certificate.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 4: Transition into Independence.
TRIN 002 Workplace Documents
Students will create a Job Portfolio (Employment Package) to be used as a job search tool. Students will also learn how to effectively complete job search related forms such as application forms and TD-1 forms.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 4: Transition into Independence.
TRIN 003 Workplace Reading
This course is designed to enhance students' workplace literacy skills. Content includes reading, understanding, and interpreting workplace documents.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 4: Transition into Independence.
TRIN 004 Workplace Writing
This course is designed to enhance students' workplace literacy skills with a focus on writing for the workplace. Students will also be introduced to basic English punctuation and sentence composition.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 4: Transitions into Independence.
TRIN 005 Intro to PowerPoint
This course will introduce students to PowerPoint and applications of the program. Students will create and present multiple presentations using basic features of PowerPoint.
Prerequisite: Accepted in Module 4: Transition into Independence.
TRIN 006 Workplace Literacy Seminar
This course is designed to provide practical and tutorial support for Serving It Right, Workplace Documents, Workplace Reading, and Workplace Writing course work.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 4: Transition into Independence.
TRIN 007 Transition to Independence Practicum (Ends Jan 2025)
This course provides students guided opportunities to practice and develop workplace skills in independent workplace settings. Individual work placements enable students to experience assessments of their performance by employers and instructors, while focusing on shaping attitudes to workplace performance standards and working independently; includes issues of workplace fitness and stamina.
Prerequisite: Prior success in certificate program or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Criminal record check may be required.
TRIN 007 Transition to Independence Practicum (Effective Jan 2025)
This practicum provides students guided opportunities to practice and develop workplace skills in independent workplace settings. Individual work placements enable students to experience assessments of their performance by employers, while focusing on shaping attitudes to workplace performance standards and working independently.
Prerequisite: Prior success in certificate program or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Criminal record check may be required.
WDYP 001 Numeracy for Life and Work 1
Math is an essential skill in all areas of life. This course will focus on developing students' comfort with working with numbers and basic mathematical skills.
Prerequisite: Admission to program.
WDYP 002 Health and the Workplace 1
Concepts of health and work are explored in the context of work and personal life. Human health and how the body works are discussed, including disease and how to prevent illness, healthy diet and exercise, and understanding physical health. Discussions on health in relation to individual disabilities will also occur.
Prerequisite: Admission to program.
WDYP 003 Workplace Readiness 1 Practicum
This workplace training experience introduces students to knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to develop appropriate workplace behaviors. The focus is on shaping attitudes necessary to be successful in the workplace, including becoming aware of the importance of workplace safety. This course also explores issues of workplace stamina.
Prerequisite: Admission to program.
WDYP 004 Your Life and the World Around You
Students build on individual and core life skills. They will be encouraged to be reflective and sincere about understanding self to gain insight and be a better community member. Students will demonstrate independence, self-responsibility, strong communication, strong work ethic, and they will recognize benefits of team work and personal growth.
Prerequisite: Admission to program.
WMTI 001 Literacy for Life and Work 2
Literacy as an essential skill is required for employment. Writing and thinking are also necessary for personal satisfaction and growth. This course will explore building a working vocabulary, following directions, following procedures, understanding labels, interpreting signs, recognizing safety signs and symbols, and writing for pleasure.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 10: Moving Towards Independence.
WMTI 002 Building Blocks for Effective Communication
Emphasis will be placed on verbal and non-verbal communication through practice. Students will increase competence in their ability to engage in dialogue while using both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. Active listening, questioning, and appropriate grace and courtesy will be explored in the context of a work setting.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 10: Moving Towards Independence.
WMTI 003 You and Your Community 2
This course continues to enhance community awareness and builds upon specific work skills. Students will engage in the development of meaningful relationships to demonstrate respect and interest in all people, and students will become aware of the important facets of citizenship and self in the world around them.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 10: Moving Towards Independence.
WMTI 004 Computer Foundations and Job Search
Students will be introduced to MS Word for creating documents, saving information, creating tables, inserting headers/footers/images, and managing files. Topics of social media, privacy and etiquette will also be emphasized. Computer skills will be used to increase concentration and to build memory and attention to detail skills.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 10: Moving Towards Independence.
WMTI 005 Worksite Training 2 Practicum
This course provides students with opportunities to experience the expectations of entry-level employment through hands-on practice. The course may include an individual work placement that develops confidence and independence in the workplace. The course explores issues of workplace fitness and stamina.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the WEST Program.
WMTI 006 Community Connections
This course is intended to enhance students' awareness and engagement in community issues. Topics will include volunteerism, social responsibility, and personal contributions to community.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the WEST Program.
WMTI 007 Strategies for Employment
This course is designed to teach students the skills necessary to survive and get ahead on a new job. Emphasis will include understanding the critical role of personality and feelings in the workplace. Students will also continue to actively seek paid employment. Creating a business/entrepreneurship will also be discussed.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the WEST Program.
WPAW 001 Literacy for Life and Work 1
Literacy is an essential skill required for safety and record keeping on the job. Writing and thinking are also necessary for personal satisfaction and growth. This course covers fundamental structures of writing and reading for comprehension, as presented in the context of work and safety on the job.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 8: Positive Attitudes in the Workplace.
WPAW 002 Health and the Workplace 2
This course explores the concept of health in the context of work and one's personal life. Basic human health and how the body works are discussed. Topics include disease and how to prevent illness, understanding health through the domains of mental and emotional health.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 8: Positive Attitudes in the Workplace.
WPAW 003 Workplace Readiness 2 Practicum
This course will extend students' knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to demonstrate appropriate workplace behaviors. The focus is on shaping attitudes necessary to be successful in the workplace, including becoming aware of the importance of workplace safety. This course also explores issues of workplace fitness and stamina.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the WEST Program.
WPAW 004 Employment Readiness 1
The course begins to prepare students for their work environment. Employment readiness encompasses awareness of employers' expectations and how employees meet those expectations. There is a goal of gaining insight into one's personal management skills and how these skills are integrated into one's life at work and at home.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 8: Positive Attitudes in the Workplace.
WPAW 005 You and Your Community 1
The intention of this course is to continue to build on community awareness and to build specific work skills. Students will have the opportunity to practice critical thinking skills, communication, negotiation, brainstorming, problem solving and public speaking. This course will encourage all students to demonstrate initiative.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module 8: Positive Attitudes in the Workplace.
WPFD 001 Personal Development Skills
Students will develop personal knowledge and abilities that will support workplace habits. Focus will be on self awareness, self esteem, personal learning styles, personal values, and personal management.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 1: Workplace Foundations.
WPFD 002 Attitudes on the Job
Students practice appropriate communications for the workplace environment and learn to distinguish between passive, assertive and aggressive behaviours. The importance of regular attendance, punctuality, proper attitude, grooming, working with others, and taking directions are emphasized. Professional relationships in the workplace are observed, discussed, and practiced.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 1: Workplace Foundations.
WPFD 003 Workplace Safety
Students will understand and develop safe work habits to meet employer and industry expectations. Topics include safety on the job, worker's compensation knowledge and WHMIS training.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 1: Workplace Foundations.
WPFD 004 Introduction to Computers: Internet, Email and Social Networking
This course is designed to give students an introduction to computers, the Internet, email, and social networking. Students will create an email account and be introduced to the Internet and numerous search engines. It will also include a unit on computer etiquette, safety, and social networking, including Facebook.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into Module1: Workplace Foundations.
WPFD 005 Student Success
This course will provide students with an orientation to Module 1 as well as program and university expectations. Additionally, this is a seminar-based course providing opportunities for practical exploration of workplace foundations including attitudes on the job, workplace safety and computer etiquette.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 1: Workplace Foundations.
WPFD 006 Workplace Foundations Practicum (Ends Jan 2025)
This course introduces students to knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to develop appropriate workplace behaviors. The focus is on shaping attitudes necessary to be successful in the workplace, including becoming aware of the importance of workplace safety. This course also explores issues of workplace fitness and stamina.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 1: Workplace Foundations.
WPFD 006 Workplace Foundations Practicum (Effective Jan 2025)
This work-integrated learning experience empowers students to apply practical skills from Attitudes on the Job and Workplace Safety. By bridging classroom learning with real-world applications, students develop appropriate workplace behaviors and understand the importance of workplace safety, preparing them for future career success.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Module 1: Workplace Foundations
WSFE 001 Numeracy for Life and Work 2
Math is an essential skill in all areas of life. This course will focus on numeracy and comfort with numbers. This course is a continuation from "Numeracy for Life and Work 1" in the development of math skills necessary for competitive employment and living independently.
Prerequisite: Admission to program.
WSFE 002 Skills for Life and Work
This course builds on the foundation of skills learned in Modules 7 and 8. There is an expectation that students will demonstrate strong communication skills and a strong work ethic, and they will continue to build on teamwork skills and demonstrate personal growth and insight regarding personal goals in employment.
Prerequisite: Admission to program.
WSFE 003 Employment Readiness 2
This course focuses on the "need to know" information regarding employment and work standards. It is expected that students will be able to confidently speak to and understand the process of and procedures regarding hiring, working, and dismissal.
Prerequisite: Admission to program.
WSFE 004 Worksite Training 1 Practicum
This course provides students with opportunities to experience the expectations of entry-level employment through hands-on practice. The course may include an individual work placement that develops confidence and independence in the workplace. The course explores issues of workplace fitness and stamina.
Prerequisite: Admission to program.
WSFE 005 Workplace Literacy
This course is designed to enhance students' workplace literacy skills in reading and numeracy. Content includes reading, understanding, and interpreting workplace documents. Participants will also be introduced to basic operations, problem solving, working with time, money recognition (paper and coin), reading numbers, using a calculator, and cash register etiquette.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the WEST Program.
WSFE 006 Computer Foundations
This course is designed to give students an introduction to computers, the Internet, email, and social networking, as well as an introduction to word processing (MSWord). This course will include a unit on computer etiquette, safety, and social networking, including Facebook.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the WEST Program.