Bachelor of Arts, Major, Minor in Economics students attending a lecture

Economics (BA)

Program calendar icon Program Length

  • 4 Years

Program credential icon Credential

  • Bachelor Degree

Program option icon Options

  • Major
  • Minor

Program location icon Fully Available at

  • Nanaimo

Program location icon Partially Available at

  • Cowichan
  • tiwšɛmawtxʷ (Powell River)

Economics touches every aspect of our lives – from decisions we make as individuals and in our families, to decisions made in the public and business sectors. Economists understand how choices make an impact and can contribute to making better choices.

Are you curious about the complexities of business and how economics shapes the world around us? A Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics at VIU starts with a theoretical groundwork and transitions into a practical analysis of real-world and current policy issues from an economic perspective.

Graduates with a Bachelor of Economics go on to pursue rewarding careers as economists, financial planners, data analysts, chartered accountants and more, working in government agencies and private sectors.

The Economics (BA) Program

Economics has been defined as the study of the way in which human beings, separately and collectively, satisfy their limitless wants with limited resources. Its methods of analysis straddle Arts and Science, theory and policy, and provide a fascinating mechanism for interpreting human behaviour.

Economic issues are concerned with many different areas of our lives, from government policies to the environment to the prices of everyday items we buy daily. In the process of studying economics, students will learn mathematics, communication, reasoning, and computer skills. Such skills will become valuable assets in any area of future employment.

On a global scale, economics also has a lot to say about the human condition. Economics is the only discipline in the broad areas of Social Sciences and Business that is awarded the Nobel Prize. One of the identifying features of economics is the efficient use of resources, leading to improvements in the living standards of ordinary people around the world.

While theoretical models provide the basis for the study of economics, the Major and Minor in Economics will focus on the application of theory to current policy issues within the domestic and international environments. Upon completion, students will possess a sound base of knowledge and skills essential to the understanding of the changes occurring in Canadian and world economies. Employment for graduates may be found in areas of public administration at all levels of government, governmental and non-governmental organizations, in export and import related businesses, and in the expanding area of financial services, both domestically and internationally.

Requirements for a Major

Students must fulfill all the Institutional B.A. degree requirements, including Degree English Requirements and courses listed below:

Years 1 and 2: Students are required to complete 12 credits of Economics, Mathematics, and Calculus courses along with 6 credits of English. Recommended elective credits include 1st and 2nd year Economics, Management, Math and Social Science courses.

Years 1 and 2Credits
Required courses: 
ECON 211 - (Principles of Microeconomic Theory)3
ECON 212 - (Principles of Macroeconomic Theory)3
Math options: 
MATH 161 - (Introduction to Statistics for Social Sciences) or 
MATH 181 - (Introduction to Statistics) or
MATH 211 - Statistics I) or
QUME 232 - (Business Statistics I)
3 or 4
Calculus options: 
MATH 191 - (Calculus with Economic and Business Applications I) or 
MATH 121 - (Calculus I) or
MATH 100 - (Calculus for Engineering and Physical Sciences I)
3 or 4


Years 3 and 4: Students are required to complete 18 credits of core ECON courses along with 12 credits of upper-level ECON electives.

Years 3 and 4Credits
Required courses: 
ECON 305 - (Money, Banking and Financial Institutions)3
ECON 311 - (Intermediate Microeconomic Theory)3
ECON 312 - (Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory)3
ECON 485 - (Special Topics in Microeconomic Analysis)3
ECON 486 - (Special Topics in Macroeconomic Analysis)3
QUME 436 - (Econometrics)3
Upper-level Economics electives: 

Select four upper-level Economics* courses from:

ECON 306 - (International Trade)

ECON 320 - (Economic Development)

ECON 323 - (Economies in Transition)

ECON 330 - (Environmental Economics)

ECON 340 - (Government Spending and Taxation)

ECON 360 - (The Transnational Corporation)

ECON 370 - (Regional Economic Analysis)

FNCE 423 - (International Finance)


* Some upper-level Economics courses are only offered in alternate years. Students are encouraged to contact the Chair of Economics for information on course offerings.


Requirements for a Minor

Students must fulfill all the Institutional B.A. degree requirements, including Degree English Requirements and courses listed below.

Years 1 and 2: Students are required to complete 12 credits of Economics, Mathematics, and Calculus courses along with 6 credits of English. Recommended elective credits include 1st and 2nd year Economics, Management, Mathematics and Social Science courses.

Years 1 and 2Credits
Required courses: 
ECON 211 - (Principles of Microeconomic Theory)3
ECON 212 - (Principles of Macroeconomic Theory)3
Math options: 
MATH 161 - (Introduction to Statistics for Social Sciences) or 
MATH 181 - (Introduction to Statistics) or
MATH 211 - (Statistics I)
3 or 4
Calculus options: 
MATH 191 - (Calculus with Economic and Business Applications I) or 
MATH 121 - (Calculus I)


Years 3 and 4: Students are required to complete 18 credits of Economics courses numbered 300 and above.

Years 3 and 4Credits
Minimum of 18 credits of Economics courses* numbered 300 and above.18

* Some upper-level Economics courses are only offered in alternate years. Students are encouraged to contact the Chair of Economics for information on course offerings.

  • Students in the Economics Major and Minor will be required to complete first year MATH courses that require Mathematics 11 or 12 as a prerequisite. Students are advised to check the MATH courses to confirm they have met the prerequisite requirements.
  • Students intending to pursue graduate studies in Economics are advised to take additional MATH courses as electives to ensure their eligibility to enter such programs.

Domestic Fees | International Fees

Domestic Fees

Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees

When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.

When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.

Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.

Fees for One Year* Amount
Tuition (30 credits x $166.40 per credit) 4,992.00
Student Activity fee (8 months x $19.97 per month) 159.76
Student Services fee (8 months x $22.05 per month) 176.40
VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month) 220.80
Health and Dental Plan fee ($285.00 per year) 285.00
Approximate cost for books and supplies for one year 1,500.00

The VIUSU Health and Dental Plan fee is assessed for all students enrolled in 6 credits or more per term, or in Trades/Vocational programs of 5 months or longer.  

All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.

International Fees

Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees

When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.

When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.

Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.

Fees for One Year* Amount
Tuition (30 credits x $799.77 per credit) 23,993.10
Student Activity fee (8 months x $19.97 per month) 159.76
Student Services fee (8 months x $22.05 per month) 176.40
VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month) 220.80
Health and Dental Plan fee ($285.00 per year) 285.00
Approximate cost for books and supplies for one year 1,500.00

The VIUSU Health and Dental Plan fee is assessed for all students enrolled in 6 credits or more per term, or in Trades/Vocational programs of 5 months or longer.  

All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.

Domestic (Canadian)

Program Start Date Accepting Applications Campus
Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June. 

Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk
Phone: 250.746.3512

Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email

Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June. 

Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk
Phone: 250.746.3512

Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email

Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June. 

Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk
Phone: 250.746.3512

Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email

Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June. 

Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk
Phone: 250.746.3512

Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email

Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June. 

Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk
Phone: 250.746.3512

Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email

Anticipated intake for someone applying today:
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erin Johnson
Phone: 604.485.8033

Please consult Student Services/Advising at 604.485.2878 or email for more information on program or admission requirements.

Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June. 

Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk
Phone: 250.746.3512

Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email

Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June. 

Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk
Phone: 250.746.3512

Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email

Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June. 

Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk
Phone: 250.746.3512

Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email

Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June. 

Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk
Phone: 250.746.3512

Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email


Program Start Date Accepting Applications Campus
Anticipated intake for someone applying today:
Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Arts program has one intake each Fall and one intake each Spring.

Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
International Admissions Officer Contact:
Name: Elham Akhoundi
Phone: 250.740.6400

For prospective international applicants, please send your inquiries to

Anticipated intake for someone applying today:
Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Arts program has one intake each Fall and one intake each Spring.

Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
International Admissions Officer Contact:
Name: Elham Akhoundi
Phone: 250.740.6400

For prospective international applicants, please send your inquiries to

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Further information on this program can be found on the Department website.

Visit the Department Website

Previous versions of this program can be found in the Program Archive.