Program Length
- 4 Years
- Bachelor Degree
- Honours
- Major
- Minor
Fully Available at
- Nanaimo
Partially Available at
- Cowichan
- tiwšɛmawtxʷ (Powell River)
Want to gain a better understanding of how humans tick – arguably one of the most employable skills you can put on your resume? VIU’s Degree in Anthropology program can help with that. Anthropologists study who we are and how we came to be that way, and provide a clearer understanding of what it means to be human.
VIU’s Bachelor of Anthropology program ensures graduates leave with a breadth of skills suited for jobs in areas such as law, government, business, education, health care, (market) research and more. Anthropology courses also prepare you to become a global citizen, and the department of Anthropology offers field schools and local and international internships to take classroom learning to the next level.
The Anthropology (BA) Program
Anthropologists study what makes us human, taking a holistic approach to understanding the many different aspects of the human experience. Through the multifocal lens of Sociocultural, Biological, Archaeological and Linguistic Anthropology, Anthropologists study the biological and cultural diversity of all humanity. VIU’s Anthropology program encourages the application of anthropological theory, knowledge and methods in areas such as “race” relations, social justice, cultural sensitivity training, archaeology, museum representation, resource management, human rights facilitation, human evolution as well as the interaction of culture and the environment.
The Department of Anthropology offers undergraduate course work at three levels: 100 (introductory); 200 (second year); and 300-400 (advanced). The 300-400 level courses may be taken by either third- or fourth-year students. Students may take an upper-level course before completing their lower-level courses as long as they meet the specific course requirements. For advanced Anthropology students the Department of Anthropology also offers an Anthropology Honours Degree.
Unless otherwise noted ANTH 212 serves to admit students to upper-level Social Anthropology courses. ANTH 213 is the prerequisite course for upper-level Archaeology courses. ANTH 214 admits students to upper-level Biological Anthropology courses.
Requirements for a Major
Students must fulfill all the Institutional B.A. degree requirements, including Degree English Requirements and courses listed below:
Years 1 and 2: ANTH 111, 112, 212, 213, 214, 215. Students will be allowed to take advanced courses after they have completed these courses with a minimum “C” grade in each course, with the exceptions described above.
Years 3 and 4: A minimum of 30 credits of Anthropology courses numbered 300 and above* is required. It is recommended that students take courses beyond this minimum to broaden their education in Anthropology. Courses must include selections from each of the following three sub fields:
1) Sociocultural Anthropology – 6 credits chosen from ANTH 304, 305, 311, 324, 325, 325A, 325B, 326, 328, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 367, 368, 388, 390, 401, 412, 414, 415, 418, or 470.
2) Archaeology – 6 credits chosen from ANTH 340, 342, 345, 346, 349, 391, 460, 480.
3) Biological Anthropology – 3 credits chosen from ANTH 350, 351, 354, 392, 430, 435.
*One advanced Global Studies course, GLST 390, 391, 490 or 491, may be substituted for three credits of upper-level Anthropology.
ANTH 315, 361A and 361B, 362 and 363 are upper-level field studies courses and do not fit into the above categories. ANTH 325, 390, 391, and 392 may be taken more than once if the topic is different and can be used as required courses in the above categories, where appropriate.
Extra credits may be taken from this same list or from other courses offered by the department. These other courses include ANTH 490, which is a directed studies course that allows students to follow their own interest, 493A, 493B, and 493C, which are internship courses. Advanced students and those planning to do graduate studies should consider applying for the Anthropology Honours Program.
Students may satisfy degree requirements in Anthropology and another field and receive a double Major (e.g., a double Major in Anthropology and Liberal Studies). Students planning a double Major should consult with the Chairs in both departments.
Requirements for a Minor
Students must fulfill all the Institutional B.A. degree requirements, including Degree English Requirements and courses listed below:
Years 1 and 2: ANTH 111, 112, 212, 213, 214, and 215.
Years 3 and 4: Minimum of 18 credits of Anthropology courses numbered 300 and above (not including ANTH 493A, 493B, or 493C).
Recommended Electives
Students should choose their electives in consultation with the Chair of the department of Anthropology. Students with interests in different subfields of Anthropology may wish to choose quite different electives. Social anthropologists may be interested in Sociology, biological anthropologists in Biology and archaeologists in Geology, for example.
Domestic Fees
Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees
When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.
When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.
Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.
Fees for One Year* | Amount |
Tuition (30 credits x $166.40 per credit) | 4,992.00 |
Student Activity fee (8 months x $19.97 per month) | 159.76 |
Student Services fee (8 months x $22.05 per month) | 176.40 |
VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month) | 220.80 |
Health and Dental Plan fee ($285.00 per year) | 285.00 |
Approximate cost for books and supplies for one year | 1,500.00 |
Total | 7,333.96 |
The VIUSU Health and Dental Plan fee is assessed for all students enrolled in 6 credits or more per term, or in Trades/Vocational programs of 5 months or longer.
All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.
International Fees
Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees
When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.
When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.
Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.
Fees for One Year* | Amount |
Tuition (30 credits x $799.77 per credit) | 23,993.10 |
Student Activity fee (8 months x $19.97 per month) | 159.76 |
Student Services fee (8 months x $22.05 per month) | 176.40 |
VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month) | 220.80 |
Health and Dental Plan fee ($285.00 per year) | 285.00 |
Approximate cost for books and supplies for one year | 1,500.00 |
Total | 26,335.06 |
The VIUSU Health and Dental Plan fee is assessed for all students enrolled in 6 credits or more per term, or in Trades/Vocational programs of 5 months or longer.
All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.
The Anthropology Honours (BA) Program
Anthropology is the study of humanity, our culture, history, evolution, language, and biology. Anthropologists follow a holistic approach, integrating all aspects of human existence, offering a humanistic understanding of society, and the way people solve their own problems. Anthropologists are concerned with understanding the structure and functioning of social groups through minimally invasive participant observation and other "qualitative" techniques in their own communities, as well as in other countries.
VIU's program encourages the application of anthropological theory, knowledge and methods in areas such as "race" relations, cultural sensitivity training, archaeology, resource management, human rights facilitation, the interaction of culture and the environment, as well as, the evolutionary biology of our species and the history of cultures around the world. The inclusive nature of anthropology is especially relevant in light of the increasing cultural diversity of our own society and the current intensity of political actions worldwide.
The Anthropology Honours programme will provide students with training and qualifications that extend those in the regular anthropology degree program. The development and completion of the honours essay that is comprised of original research is invaluable experience for those planning to apply to graduate school.
Program Outline
Students must fulfill all the requirements for the B.A. Major in Anthropology with the addition of 12 upper level credits in Anthropology. The additional 12 credits must incorporate 6 credits from ANTH 491 and 492; a 3 credit Methods class selected from the following classes: ANTH 460, 430, 418, 363, 362, 261, 353, 329, 326, and 315; and an additional 3 credits of ANTH designated 300 or above.
Recommended Electives
Liberal Studies, Media Studies, Philosophy, Criminology, Anthropology, Political Studies, Psychology, Geography, Women's Studies, Global Studies, Economics, Biology, Geography.
Completion Requirements
Honours students need an average GPA of 3.33 ("B+") in all 3rd and 4th year courses taken within the discipline in order to graduate from an Honours program. Further, a minimum grade of "B" must be obtained in ANTH 491 and ANTH 492 to fulfill requirements for completion of the Honours program in Anthropology.
Admission Requirements
A min. 3.33 ("B+") average GPA on the most recent 60 credits.
Students will submit an Anthropology Honours application form to the Anthropology Department Chair.
Start Date and Application Deadline
Students may apply at the beginning of their third year, to facilitate planning of remaining courses. The final deadline for applications will be on March 31st of the year preceding their final year of study. Successful students will be connected with a faculty mentor, who will help guide them through the process, including linking to an honours thesis advisor.
Domestic (Canadian)
Program Start Date | Accepting Applications | Campus | |
to | Nanaimo | ||
Next Intake(s):
The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June.
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk Phone: 250.746.3512 Email:
Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email |
to | Cowichan - Partially Available | ||
Next Intake(s):
The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June.
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk Phone: 250.746.3512 Email:
Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email |
to | Nanaimo | ||
Next Intake(s):
The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June.
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk Phone: 250.746.3512 Email:
Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email |
to | Cowichan - Partially Available | ||
Next Intake(s):
The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June.
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk Phone: 250.746.3512 Email:
Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email |
to | Nanaimo | ||
Next Intake(s):
The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June.
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk Phone: 250.746.3512 Email:
Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email |
Ongoing | tiwšɛmawtxʷ (Powell River) - Partially Available | ||
Anticipated intake for someone applying today:
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erin Johnson Phone: 604.485.8033 Email:
Please consult Student Services/Advising at 604.485.2878 or email for more information on program or admission requirements. |
to | Cowichan - Partially Available | ||
Next Intake(s):
The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June.
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk Phone: 250.746.3512 Email:
Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email |
to | Nanaimo | ||
Next Intake(s):
The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June.
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk Phone: 250.746.3512 Email:
Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email |
to | Cowichan - Partially Available | ||
Next Intake(s):
The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June.
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk Phone: 250.746.3512 Email:
Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email |
to | Nanaimo | ||
Next Intake(s):
The Bachelor of Arts Program has four intakes per year; September, January, May, and June.
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
Admissions Officer:
Name: Erica Ellenchuk Phone: 250.746.3512 Email:
Questions about becoming a student can be directed to the Office of Future Students at 250.740.6672 or email |
Program Start Date | Accepting Applications | Campus | |
to | Nanaimo | ||
Anticipated intake for someone applying today:
Next Intake(s):
The Bachelor of Arts program has one intake each Fall and one intake each Spring.
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
International Admissions Officer Contact:
Name: Elham Akhoundi Phone: 250.740.6400 Email:
For prospective international applicants, please send your inquiries to |
to | Nanaimo | ||
Anticipated intake for someone applying today:
Next Intake(s):
The Bachelor of Arts program has one intake each Fall and one intake each Spring.
Application Fee:
Accepting Late Applications:
Testing Required:
International Admissions Officer Contact:
Name: Elham Akhoundi Phone: 250.740.6400 Email:
For prospective international applicants, please send your inquiries to |
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Further information on this program can be found on the Department website.
Visit the Department WebsitePrevious versions of this program can be found in the Program Archive.